Proposed Statement of Event Objectives…
The Great VW Cross Country Race
Updated October 23, 2019
What is The Great VW Cross Country Race?
The Great VW Cross Country Race is intended to be for ALL types, makes, models and years of VW’s and is to be a competitive controlled-speed endurance road rally on public highways. It is not a test of top speed. It is a test of a driver/navigator teamÂ’s ability to follow precise course instructions and the carÂ’s (and teamÂ’s) ability to endure on a cross-country trip. The course instructions require the competing teams to drive at or below the posted speed limits at all times. The race will be run with rules and regulations similar to those of The Great Race put on each year by Hemmings Motor News Great Race and the Hagerty Insurance Company, see, but modified as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee. One such change is that every participant can us whatever timing device they choose, including digital counters, etc.. The main difference will be that The Great VW Cross Country Race will be less than half of the distance they cover, will conclude/finish at one of many great VW shows already in existence in the country (Mid America's Funfest in Effingham, IL for 2019), will have a much lower entry fee and five (5) cash prizes.
When would The Great VW Cross Country Race take place?
The Great VW Cross Country Race is intended to be run over a 5 day period starting on Monday, June 8th, 2020 and finishing at Mid America Motorworks on June 12th, 2020. Participants can either stay for the Funfest show or start their journey home right after the awards ceremony on evening of the 12th.
Can you describe How The Great VW Cross Country Race works?
This will be the very first cross country VW race of its kind and the details are still being worked out, see Breaking News. However, it is being proposed that on each day the driver and navigator team will receive a set of course instructions that indicate every turn, speed change, stop, and start that the team must make throughout the day. Along the course route there will be a number of checkpoints (8) recording the exact time that the team passes that point. The objective is to arrive at each checkpoint at the correct time, not the fastest. The score for each team is the result of the team’s ability to follow the designated course instructions precisely. Every second off the perfect time (early or late) at each checkpoint is a penalty point. This format is much more mentally demanding than a flat-out cross-country race. The course avoids primary interstate highways wherever possible, opting instead for scenic local, county, and state highways whenever possible through some of the prettiest country in the United States.
Is there an age limit for the cars that can enter the race?
No! It is being proposed that ALL years will be included. Due to the fact that older cars may have less horsepower, less effective braking, etc., they may request additional time to complete any leg of the race based on age, terrain, etc.. So the decision on which car you should use is a mixture of (1) which car will be most mechanically reliable over varying terrain on a 1000+ mile cross-country trip; (2) which will provide you with the most accurate feedback on your speed; (3) which will give you the best premium age deduction (older is better); and finally (4) which will be most comfortable for the people who may be riding with you for 5-6 hours a day over 5 days?
Can you tell us what is included in the entry fee?
The entry fee is $200/car versus the $6000/car required for Hemmings Motor News Great Race. This money would be held until the end of the race and will then have a proposed distribution of 60% for prizes and 40% for the cost of executing the event. The planning will be done by the executive committee at no cost but the execution including but not limited to personal at timing points, equipment required to record time, etc., will be part of the 40% expense. If any money is left over, then that money will be given to a charity chosen by the executive committee. Every team member will be responsible for his/her own lodging, food, gas, etc.. However, the executive committee will make every attempt to arrange for stops at locations where hotels and possibly camping privileges would be permitted. These will be made known at the earliest possible time so that each team can decide where and how they chose to rest at night and to make reservations as necessary. Lunch (possibly food trucks or small restaurants) and dinner will be planned but again, each team member will be required to pay for what they purchase.
Must we use the Travel Agency to book our rooms?
No. Each team will be on their own to make reservations however, the executive committee will make every attempt to reserve blocks of rooms and locate possible camp grounds close to each checkpoint wherever possible.
Can you provide a better description of the rules and regulations? (See Breaking News)
The best we can do at this time is refer you to those used by Hemmings Motor News. These can be found and downloaded at Everyone planning on participating in this event should read these regulations carefully before making a final decision as to whether they plan on competing. These rules will be rewritten specifically for The Great VW Cross Country Race as required and will be tailored to correspond with the reduced distance, i.e., 1000+ miles, locations, etc.. The executive committee will have the final word on how this document is to be changed. It might be noted once again, that the main difference is the use of any and all types of timing equipment, including digital timers, etc. All public laws such as speed, complete stops, etc., will be in affect. In addition, since this is meant to be a family event, 4-6 individuals will be allowed in each vehicle. It is also being proposed that each day of driving would include somewhere around 250 -350 miles over a 6-8 hour period with up to a 2 hour lunch break allowing participants time to stop and enjoy some of the scenery, etc., along the way.
Tell us more about the entry fee and how it works?
Like mentioned earlier, the entry fee will be $200 total for each vehicle entered. There will be 2 races for 2020, one from the East Coast and one from the West Coast. A deposit of $50 will be required no later than December 31, 2019 with the remaining $150 within 30 days of the start of the race which is proposed to be June 8, 2020. The first 75 individuals to sign-up in each of the East Coast run and the West Coast run will be guaranteed a spot at the start of the race and a waiting list will be generated for all entry’s over 75 so that if any car has to drop out for any reason, they would be given the next available spot based on the date and time they sign-up and make their deposit. Deposits will not be refundable (unless the event is cancelled for any reason) but will be transferable meaning that you would be able to sell that right to another individual if the need arises.
How many cars would be included?
There will be a maximum of 75 cars for each race with a minimum of 50. If we do not get at least 50 cars, the event would be canceled, and deposits returned to each entrant.
What is the proposed route and when?
There are currently two race routes as pictured at the end of this article. There will be one from the East Coast and one from the West Coast, each which is just over 1200 miles. These routes were selected to hopefully allow participants from both coasts to attend. This race will end up at Mid America Motorworks in Effingham, IL., no later than June 12th, 2020 to coincide with their annual car show. Details of each route including distances, times allowed, places to stay, eat, etc., have been detailed in the Planning Guide that will be issued to each registered participant.
How would the prize money be distributed?
Based on 75 cars in each race, it is proposed that the funds for each would be distributed as follows:
Prize money (60%) = $9000.00 with 4 winners.
First Place $4000.00
Second Place $2000.00
Third Place $1500.00
Forth Place $1000.00
Special Cash Award $500.00 given to the best poker hand.
Operational Costs (40%) = $6000 to be used and distributed by the executive committee as appropriate*.
* These proposed cash awards will be adjusted proportionally if we have fewer than 75 cars and any monies left over would be donated to a charity.
Can you describe what is meant by Support Vehicle?
Many of our cars are getting quite old. Some drive them daily and are the most dependable vehicle they own, others are garage kept and don't get out often. Although we will try to have a mechanic on hand on both routes, it cannot be guaranteed at this time. A Support Vehicle might be someone in some other car or truck who may follow your process to be there for you in case you have an issue arise on the road (remember, we are going to be on old country roads or non-major highways for the most part). It also could be family members who simply wants to experience the adventure as well but won't fit in your bug, etc.. In the end, we will enjoy what time we have at Mid America starting on Friday, June 12th. There is no additional charge for Support Vehicles but the committee must know how many extra individuals are anticipated so that adequate sleeping/eating accommodations can be made...
How do we arrange for places to stay at night?
We have already begun reserving blocks of rooms in the towns that we would be staying at. It's still early, but it will be imperative that when we announce where you can book rooms, you are prepared to do so. For instance, in one small town, there are only 3 hotels/inns to stay at and we have pretty much blocked them all at this time. A number of towns also have state parks where you may be able to camp, etc.. All of this information will be made available once available...
That’s about all I can think of for now. Please visit The Great Race’s site to see how much fun this event could end up being. We do not have much time for all the planning, revision of rules, purchasing of equipment required, etc., but are committed to doing our best so that everyone has the best possible experience. If for any reason the race has to be cancelled, your money would be refunded.
Gail Love
a.k.a. drluv

These are the planned routes based on the mileage which is basically the same. The East Coast run will start in Myrtle Beach SC and the West Coast run in Albuquerque NM. Both end up meeting at Mid America Motorworks in Effingham, IL. More detailed planning is still underway with the advanced Planning Guide available to those who per-register.