May 1, 2020
It's with great regret that we must announce that The Great VW Cross Country (Endurance) Race has had to be cancelled for 2020. The threat of the Corona Virus was simply too much to overcome with cities and states across America unsure what they would have available by June 8th. All deposits/payments made to The Great Race will be refunded. If you do not receive your refund within the next two weeks, please let us know. I know that most of you were really looking forward to the adventure and we are really saddened by the turn of events. This year will simply go down as the great race that could have been. We are not sure about 2021, but please stay tuned.
Please take care and be safe out there until this thing blows over.
Gail Love and family
April 8, 2020
We continue to pray that this email finds everyone healthy. I thought it might be a good time to give everyone an update regarding the plans for the race. I’ll try not to be too wordy 😊.
First of all, being an optimist, I believe this thing is going to pretty much pass by the end of April. The numbers are going down and the economy cannot stand for it to continue in it’s current state. Yes, I know that there could be a resurgence even worse than the first and only time will tell, but I would bet that most everyone will soon start to weigh the risks vs. our country going into a recession. We simply need to be vigilant and take precautions where we can.
Now, with that being said, I know that the shutdown has caused hardships for many and we have had I think two people drop out so far due to the virus. This email is to see where everyone else stands and how you feel about continuing with our plans. It’s going to be up to each of you to decide if it is worth the risk to make the run in June. Mid America is still on lockdown but I think they are optimistic as well and want to go forward with their planned annual event.
So, Question No. 1: Are you still in or will you have to drop out of the race ?
Second, the end of the month will be coming up soon. We have only had a handful pay the balance for their entry to date, https://drluvflorida.wixsite.com/the-great-vw-cc-race/pre-register. I want to remind everyone that this is very important in that if we do not have all payments by the end of the month, it will place the race in jeopardy in that we need to order all of the emblems, flags, etc., for the race to give the companies time to fill our order and if I have to spend time on the phone trying to contact you, it is going to cause significant delays. Here’ the deal. The same applies to the full entry fee. If we do have to cancel, you will get your money refunded. The only difference is that I will deduct the cost of the emblems, etc., from your full payment and will make sure you receive the items in the mail as a souvenir. This way, you will at least get most of your money back. So, if you have not made your final payment, please do so if you choose to continue. The link is listed above.
Question No. 2: Are you planning on making your final payment before the end of April ?
Third, I know that the hotels are being hit hard and some of them even stopped taking reservations such as the hotel we are using to start the Eastern leg in Myrtle Beach. I encouraged everyone to make their reservations early in that you can always cancel, but I have had some feedback that would indicate that many of you may have not made your reservation as of this time. If you have not made you reservations, you may have some difficulty in doing so. However, many of the hotels did give us the rates that were listed into the month of May. If you call, simply make sure you tell them the date you need and that you are with The Great VW Race. There is a lot of confusion right now with minimum staff on duty, etc.. If they cannot find the group information, let me know and I will call them myself.
Question No. 3: Have you made your reservations. If not, please do so as soon as possible.
Well, that’s enough for now. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our planning, please let me know.
March 27, 2020
I just wanted to take a moment to speak on the shirts we have been getting. Overall, past designs/orders have come out very well. However, I have seen a number of individuals comment on how large the font appears on the front of the shirts. From a design standpoint, I have attempted to make all the font the same size but for some reason, the prints seem to be coming out all over the place. The latest is a set that we received for the staff where the lettering is excessive. I was curious so I took a screen capture of the shirt as it appears on their page to a picture of what we received and as you can see, the lettering is over twice the size it should be. Bottom line, I have now contacted them to see how they respond. It's really a little disappointing that we have had this many issues, but I'm hoping they will make good on their promise to those who order. I'll let you know how they respond. In the meantime, let me know what your experience has been...
March 24, 2020
We pray that everyone is weathering the storm well. I know it's tough, but we are going to get through this.
The post is to let you know that we just completed an email to everyone with some key information. If you have pre-registered and have not been getting these emails, you must let us know ASAP. Also, it's a good time to remind everyone that the time to get your request in for a custom shirt is fast approaching. If you haven't done so, go to the tab at the top of this page that says "Shirts".
Keep an eye out for the email dated today. Take care and be careful out there...
Important Dates
February 28, 2020
As I attempt to stay organized 😊, I’ve come up with the following calendar of important dates. Of course, there is much to be done on our end between the dates you see, but these are the dates you should be aware of. If you miss these dates, the will be consequences and of course, more work for me.
You will notice that I have added the date when final payment is due, April 15th, 2020. Yes I know, this is tax day 😊, but as you can see, we are giving some extra time if needed. Please, do not miss this date, otherwise, you may have to be dropped from the roster. You can make payment here, https://paypal.me/pools/c/8mXfOcHOsU.
Pay attention also to the date hotel reservations should be made by. I will be releasing the rooms now blocked come the first of April, and if you want shirt designs, be aware that these take time and I need them no later than April 3rd. Please note that you do not have to purchase the shirts from the company we are using and if you want the artwork to have your own made, we will be glad to send it to you. You also may want to have the artwork done but may later decide not to order at all which is fine. The bottom line is that I would like to have all of the designs done by mid-April at the latest to ensure you have time to order and receive your shirts. If you still need to submit your request, do it here, https://drluvflorida.wixsite.com/the-great-vw-cc-race/shirts.
Again, if you have any questions, please feel free to write or call.
Shirt Follow-up
February 26, 2020
Last week I was notified that some of our shirt orders have come in very poor quality and/or had the print on the front side greatly enlarged. I sent out a notice to everyone to possibly hold off on their orders until I could investigate it in a little more detail. I then had a major problem with my main computer and basically lost over a week of work. I'm finally starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel regarding my computer.
By what I can tell so far is a number of shirt orders received have come out really good/acceptable, and others not so good. The good news is that the company appears to be standing behind their product and has been replacing items that are of poor quality/workmanship. I've seen some with dull colors, some with the printed names being excessive in size (I tried to make all of the printed names the same size and thought that I have looked at all of the pages where the final shirt designs are being offered to make sure something has not been entered incorrectly but I can make mistakes as well) and in some cases where the sizes seem to be incorrect.
First of all, I have strongly suggested that everyone look at the design shown on the links that I have provided to ensure the design looks acceptable. Once the design has been submitted, it is not the companies fault if the lettering is too big (unless they actually print it wrong) but it would be error on my part. That is why you should look at the pictures closely to see what they should look like when you receive them. If the lettering is enlarged (and I have seen them do this), they should make it right.
I have not found a phone number you can call them at, but there is a page where you can submit an request. You can find this at https://viralstyle.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. If anyone has found a quicker way to contact them, please let us know.
I have no options at this time on where to purchase the shirts from, but as long as the company stands behind their product there would appear to be no reason to look for an alternative. I apologize to those who are having problems, I do hope your orders are completed to your satisfaction. However, if you would like to have some other company make some shirts for you, I would be glad to send the artwork to you. Just let me know...
February 12, 2020
If you have not heard from me in a while, you need to check your email SPAM folder now. I just sent out an email today to try and once again verify that you are getting mail. Let me know if you are having problems...
February 01, 2020
Good morning to everyone. As you can imagine, trying to keep up with everyone is a full time job 😊. I have tried my best to communicate by email, Facebook and the website, but I’m still not sure how many of you are getting the messages that I send out. Well, I have to assume that you are for the most part but if you would do me a favor and simply click on reply to this email (one of two that I will send out this morning), I would appreciate it. This will give me some additional confidence that you are being properly informed.
Here are a few items that I wanted to share with you.
Attached are 3 pdf files that show you who is registered for each race. If you see no number assigned next to your name, it is because my records right now do not show that you have paid the required deposit. If you are sill planning on running, please do so. If for some reason you do not see your name, please let me know.
The yellow indicates that I have made a personalized shirt design for you based on your input and have given you a link to order them if you so choose. Shirts are not required, but please do not wait until the last minute if you want one. It takes time to make each shirt design. If you would like a personalized design, Click Here or go to the shirts tab on the website.
If you have not received a copy of The Master Planning Guide, you download it by Clicking Here.
I sent out a list of suggested hotels last week. If you did not get this listing, it is attached above. You should be able to go ahead and start making your reservations. There has been some issues reported by some while trying to book but for the most part, hopefully this has been corrected. Let me know if you have any issues and remember, these are only suggestions. I think the rates are excellent, but you may want something different. If so, simply look at the Master Planning Guide.
There are 2 individuals that have paid their deposit but never returned any of the correspondence that I have sent, see Unknown Racers 020120.pdf below. If you know either of these individuals, please let them know that I’m still trying to reach them.
Stay turned, more to come…
East Coast Racers West Coast Racers Unknown Racers Recommended Hotels
January 25, 2020
If you have not heard through my emails, it's time to start thinking about whether you would like a shirt(s) for the race and to let me know how you want them customized, Click Here. It takes a while to do the designs and to get them once you place an order, so you do not want to wait too long.
It's also time to start making your hotel reservations. I've sent out an email on this as well, but the bottom line is that you want to make your reservations before the end of February. The hotels I suggest you try first are listed below. However, if you want to shop around for lower rates, I encourage you do do so.
January 18, 2020 - Help Wanted...
We are looking for someone to fill the position of chase/support vehicle for the West Coast run. Would like to have someone who has mechanical experience with VW's and has their own transportation that could pull a tandem trailer if needed. There will be a trailer available but currently it will be pulled by the coordinator of the run who will be in front of the pack. If you have the capability of pulling this small trailer, we could make it available to you. This is not a requirement for this position but is desirable. The position would pay $1000.00 and you would be required to complete the entire West Coast run from Albuquerque to Effingham. This might be a great opportunity for you to see some of the country and attend FunFest at Mid America as well. If interested, use the contact form on this site to let us know...
January 18, 2020
I've just sent out an email to everyone and I wanted to make sure you keep an eye out for it since it contains some very important information. If you do not get it by the end of the day, please let me know.
P.S. Make sure to check your SPAM folders...
January 5, 2020
It's really difficult to make sure everyone is getting our emails regarding The Great Race, especially when we do not hear from you. We do not know the status of the following individuals and need feedback. Please, if you know any of these individuals, tell them that we've been looking for them. Most of them have not paid their registration fees and some have but we have not received any type of response. For most people, our mail has been going into their SPAM boxes and they simply have missed the communication. Give them a shout and tell them to get with us immediately.
January 1, 2020
If you haven't already made your reservation for The Great VW Cross Country Race, it's not too late. We understand that not everyone can predict their schedules, etc., this far in advance, but we now have a good compliment of racers on both courses and are moving ahead as planned. With that being said, we also wanted to make it possible for those who have not been able to decide one way or the other, a little more time. We therefore have extended the registration period until the end of February. We currently have around 70 racers signed up and have tried our best to keep everyone updated. If you have already signed up and have not been getting emails from us, you need to check you Spam folders now and let us know if you need anything. Otherwise, we assume everyone who has signed up are getting the info and will be ready to roll come June 8th.
We have posted on the website and on Facebook images of the racing decals to be used on each vehicle plus shirts that will be personalized with your assigned racing number. We will be sending out requests soon for how you want your shirts personalized, i.e., what name(s) you want on the front. Meanwhile, we will be double checking the Master Planning Guide and sending it out once again so that you can make reservations in the cities that we are stopping at. Let me remind you that rooms have been reserved over both routes, so I urge you to wait until you hear from us regarding where you book a room.
Once last thing. Registration now requires that you send in the registration form found on the website and make your deposit of $50 in order to be officially entered in the race. No exceptions!
Again, thanks to everyone for your enthusiasm. We are looking forward to having a great time in June.
Happy New Year!
December 28, 2019
It's only three days until the end of December and your deposit is due. There are a number of individuals whom I have tried my very best to contact via email and/or phone without success. If you have registered, you will find your name below in either the East or West leg listing with the random number that has been assigned to your car, bus, etc.. If I have no record of your deposit being made, you will not find a number assigned but instead, that block will be highlighted indicating that we are still trying to confirm your participation in the race. Please, if you are one of those with no car number assigned, get back to us as quickly as possible. After the first of the year, I will stop trying to pursue those of you who have not responded simply because it has taken far too much time. Instead, we will be adding additional people as they express interest. You can also see an example of what the magnetic racing emblems and/or low stick emblems will look like. They will be 16 inches in diameter and should fit nicely on each side you your vehicle. More to come on these as well as shirt designs that you might be interested in...

December 20, 2019
The end of the year is fast approaching and we are still taking reservations for The Great VW Cross Country Race, https://drluvflorida.wixsite.com/the-great-vw-cc-race. We have some very interesting individuals who have signed-up including the owner of the fastest air cooled VW on the planet, the quickest air cooled cross country team, and many more. We are not out to break any speed records in that this is a controlled time race where the individuals who can come closest to the allotted time for a given distance will find a pot of gold at the end. Just kidding about the gold, but there will be some nice cash prizes. Don't miss out, go to the website and sign-up now. Remember to put your deposit down so that you are guaranteed a spot on the roster...
December 13, 2019
I've just sent out the last emails to those who have not responded to resent mail outs that I have made to determine if you are still planning on participating or not. I'm also trying to call those who I have phone numbers for but some of you have non-functioning/full mailboxes so I cannot leave a message. If you have not received an email from me as of this morning, please check your SPAM folders. It is extremely important that I hear from you...
December 4, 2019
Just thought I would share this with everyone. As of today, we have 64 signed up for the race and have pretty much decided that it is a go for both the Eastern and Western legs of the race. I say that only because I still have 22 individuals that I'm having a difficult time communicating with. If you have not responded to my latest email regarding whether or not you are getting my emails and the proposed change in money distribution, you need to let me know right away. I'm going to reach out once again using my online mail service to see if I have any better luck reaching those who have not responded. Also, if you see a "No" by your name, that means that you absolutely have to make your deposit before the end of the year. You may also notice that I have some of the types of cars, buses, etc., that will be in the race but I would love to fill them all in when you get the time to tell me what you are planning on using. Of course, I would also love to add a picture of your ride on the website if you like. In addition, if you see anything that is in error, please let me know. Everyone that I'm communicating with seems to really be fired up over the idea of a cross country race. It should be a blast...
December 2, 2019
You know, The Great VW Cross Country Race is going to take place in June and my wife is starting to think all you VW owners out there are a little concerned about running against her driving Herbie :). She's going to be driving from Albuquerque to Effingham and she's starting to think you may be running scared. Actually she has extended a personal challenge to you to come compete if you dare. We have all type of V-dubs participating including the couple who hold the fastest time for an air cooled from coast to coast, car shops, clubs, etc.. Pre-Registration is due no later than December 31, 2019.
November 28, 2019
November 21, 2019
A to all of those who have registered so far for The Great VW Cross Country Race. Today, Thursday, Nov.21, I will be sending out a special email to everyone who is registered regarding where we stand and some proposed changes that need to be implemented. The reason I'm posting this note here is that some of you still seem to be either not receiving my emails or failing to open them as they come in. From here on out, communication will be critical in that everything that is decided will affect the race and master planning. A Master Planning Guide has been issued several times and we are trying to send it out with every new registered participant. The email that I'm sending out addresses this as well. Please, if you have not received any emails from me over the last several months (there should be at least 2-3), go back and check your SPAM folders or Junk files and search for "The Great VW Race". You should find them. And if you do not receive an email by this evening, please let me know. I have provided my phone number to everyone in reply to your deposits/registrations, or you can reach me through the contact form on this website.
Thank You!
November 08, 2019
OK, I'm going to repeat the summary of the race at the end of this message once again for those who may still be uncertain about what to expect. We had an additional 5 sign-up last week and on Sunday will be at The Florida Bug Jam for those who are in the area and want to ask any additional questions. Simply look for the Herbie across from the food court.
Guys and Gals, this is going to be fun, fun, fun... If your on the edge but unsure about whether or not you can take a week off work, go ahead and pre-register on the website. At least that way we know you are interested. After December 31st, we will be taking no more reservations We have to know the head count so that we can start working with each city to ensure sleeping arrangements, food, etc.. Don't wait, register now!
Here’s a quick overview for those of you who may still be having trouble finding the information you are looking for.
1. The are two races going on simultaneously. One from Myrtle Beach, SC and one from Albuquerque, NM, with both of them ending in Effingham, IL for Mid America Motorworks Funfest, June 12-14, 2020. These routes have been identified in detail but may or may not have to be modified as we get closer to the start date.
2. Winners will be based on those who can complete a set course in an exact amount of time. There will be two runs per day that are approximately 160 miles and the time is calculated at an average speed of 40mph (4 hours) allowing time for stopping, pictures, mechanical issues, etc..
3. A digital timing device with electronic eye will be used to determine the exact times for each entry. Time will be measured in milliseconds.
4. Each entry will be separated by 45 seconds from the set starting time for each race. The offset time will be given to each entry at the beginning of each day and will be randomly drawn along with any route changes.
5. There will be approximately 2 hours set aside after the first run of the day for lunch.
6. Both races will start at the same time, 8:00am (local time zones) on Monday June 8th, 2020.
7. Registration deadline in December 31, 2019. The primary reason for this is that we must know how many entries we have in order to work properly with the cities/towns that we will be stopping in.
8. A $50 deposit is required no later than December 31, 2019. The total entry fee is $200 and is due 30 days prior to June 8th, 2020. Deposits can be made through the website using PayPal. If you do not use PayPal, a check can be sent.
9. The money received will be divided 60/40 with the 60% being given away to the top 4 entries and 1 for the best poker hand. Assuming 75 entries/race, this would mean a total in cash prizes of $9000 for each race. The remaining 40% will be used towards operating costs and charity. Assuming we do not get the maximum 75 entries, the money collected will still be split as described above.
10. Places to stay overnight and for eating have already been discussed with each town we would be visiting. Exact details will be worked out once we have a total entry count. A Planning Guide with GPS settings, hotels, etc.. is available to those who register.
11. Awards will be given out at Mid America on June 12, 2020.
12. Although we would love to be putting on big parties, etc., along the way, the low cost entry fee does not make this feasible. However, we are making every attempt to make special arrangements with each town for anything special they may be able to provide. Over 200 rooms have been blocked out in Effingham and we are working with Mid America to try and do something special after we arrive. It really depends on how many entries we have.
13. Each entry will be given a separate number for their vehicle and matching shirts will be offered with those entry numbers at manufacturers cost.
14. The race is open to ALL VW’s and/or VW powered vehicles including trikes, sand rails, etc..
15. NO, the race IS NOT open to just anyone that wants to join us along the way. The reason is that it would be impossible to plan for lodging and food and in some cases, this may be very limited.
Please use the contact form on the website if you need more information that you cannot find.
November 03, 2019
I recently have had a number of people who have been asking questions that I am pretty sure are covered on the website. However, here’s a quick overview for those of you who may still be having trouble finding the information you are looking for.
1. The are two races going on simultaneously. One from Myrtle Beach, SC and one from Albuquerque, NM, with both of them ending in Effingham, IL for Mid America Motorworks Funfest, June 12-14, 2020. These routes have been identified in detail but may or may not have to be modified as we get closer to the start date.
2. Winners will be based on those who can complete a set course in an exact amount of time. There will be two runs per day that are approximately 160 miles and the time is calculated at an average speed of 40mph (4 hours) allowing time for stopping, pictures, mechanical issues, etc..
3. A digital timing device with electronic eye will be used to determine the exact times for each entry. Time will be measured in milliseconds.
4. Each entry will be separated by 45 seconds from the set starting time for each race. The offset time will be given to each entry at the beginning of each day and will be randomly drawn along with any route changes.
5. There will be approximately 2 hours set aside after the first run of the day for lunch.
6. Both races will start at the same time, 8:00am (local time zones) on Monday June 8th, 2020.
7. Registration deadline in December 31, 2019. The primary reason for this is that we must know how many entries we have in order to work properly with the cities/towns that we will be stopping in.
8. A $50 deposit is required no later than December 31, 2019. The total entry fee is $200 and is due 30 days prior to June 8th, 2020. Deposits can be made through the website using PayPal. If you do not use PayPal, a check can be sent.
9. The money received will be divided 60/40 with the 60% being given away to the top 4 entries and 1 for the best poker hand. Assuming 75 entries/race, this would mean a total in cash prizes of $9000 for each race. The remaining 40% will be used towards operating costs and charity. Assuming we do not get the maximum 75 entries, the money collected will still be split as described above.
10. Places to stay overnight and for eating have already been discussed with each town we would be visiting. Exact details will be worked out once we have a total entry count. A Planning Guide with GPS settings, hotels, etc.. is available to those who register.
11. Awards will be given out at Mid America on June 12, 2020.
12. Although we would love to be putting on big parties, etc., along the way, the low cost entry fee does not make this feasible. However, we are making every attempt to make special arrangements with each town for anything special they may be able to provide. Over 200 rooms have been blocked out in Effingham and we are working with Mid America to try and do something special after we arrive. It really depends on how many entries we have.
13. Each entry will be given a separate number for their vehicle and matching shirts will be offered with those entry numbers at manufacturers cost.
14. The race is open to ALL VW’s and/or VW powered vehicles including trikes, sand rails, etc..
15. NO, the race IS NOT open to just anyone that wants to join us along the way. The reason is that it would be impossible to plan for lodging and food and in some cases, this may be very limited.
Please use the contact form on the website if you need more information that you cannot find.

October 19, 2019
Times running out! I'm usually a pretty optimistic individual and I usually finish what I start, but I'm starting to wonder if the VW world is up to an event such as this. So far, we only have a total of 39 out of 150 cars registered and that is after 3 hard months of planning, postings, buying equipment, advertising, etc.. Like I had said earlier in the month, I have sent out over 3200 flyers to events around the country and have yet seen any additional sign-ups. It's really difficult for me to believe that out of the millions of VW owners out there, we only have 39 who are interested in this event.
For those who have registered, don't worry, I'll keep on working right up to Dec. 31st. We do have The Bug Jam going on in November where people come from all across the southeast and everyone will be getting a flyer plus we will have a display up regarding the event. I've arbitrarily set the minimum required at 50 cars per race route to cover the expense of putting on such an event and to make it worthwhile for all of the little towns, etc., that are involved.
For those who have registered and paid, don't worry, your deposits would be returned if we have to cancel. I'm hoping this is not the case, but we will see. If you haven't been talking this event up with your friends, please do so. We need to continue getting the word out as much as possible...
October 4, 2019
Cut-Off date for registration is December 31, 2019
Just a short note to everyone regarding the planning. We have slowed down a little because of the holidays coming up, traveling, etc.. In addition, I don't want to be negative, but I'm starting to feel that the VW community either has very little interest in such an event or everyone is simply so busy they have no time to read posts, etc., that have been made. As of this time, we have 38 registered with about 1/2 of those actually making a deposit showing that they are serious about participating. I know that not everyone has the luxury of taking a week off work, but there again, this would be like a short vacation to most and would be a lot more fun. Anyway, I have talked to so many of the small towns involved and have discussed special arrangements that might be made, etc., as well as booking blocks of rooms around the country, that I really hate to continue the work in this area if we have to call off the race due to lack of participation.
Here's the bottom line. We need more participants! I know you alone cannot make people attend, but you can help spread the word so that your clubs, friends, etc., know about it. Like I said, last month I sent out over 3000 flyers to shows that will be going on between now and Christmas plus I'm posting on as many VW related Facebook pages as possible, so hopefully that will help. Of course, it's also been listed on TheSamba since the beginning. I'm just afraid that people will not get interested in planning for this until after the first of the year and if that's the case, it's going to make the planning that much more difficult.
It's really important to know that we will have enough participation to be able to afford the cost of putting on this event. If we do not have at least 50 participants per race, it will not be feasible and one or both of the races will have to be cancelled (and yes, if this happens, all deposits will be refunded). I have thought about trying to combine the races into one, but that will have the tendency to have some drop out due to the extra distance required for travel although a few of you have said that you would participate in either. Anyway, let's continue to hope people will read the flyers and get on-board.
If you or anyone that you know has a real interest in this event, please, please register now! You can make your deposit by Clicking Here, or pre-register without making a down deposit by Clicking Here.
September 21, 2019
Ok everyone, it's getting time to get serious. We've now mailed out over 3000 flyers to various shows around the country regarding "The Great VW Cross Country Race" and are expecting a large increase in registrations over the next several months. Remember, there will only be 75 vehicles in each race and up to $9000.00 in cash prizes for each one. You have to pre-register with a $50 deposit in order to reserve your spot. Hotel/sleeping arrangements will be next coming up and the small towns we are stopping at will not be able to hold rooms indefinitely so it will be important to make your reservations in a timely manner. Hopefully by the end of October, all of the contact information for reservations will be available for publication.

September 10, 2019
Well, it's official, my wife is as crazy as I am. This morning as we were headed into town, she told me that she wants to drive our VW (Herbie) in the Western leg of the race from Albuquerque, NM to Effingham, IL, some 1250+ miles. I thought she was kidding, but she was dead serious. She isn't sure how she will drive and be competitive with the timing at the same time so I suggested maybe she has someone ride along with her since I will be tied up executing and timing the run. We will be driving from Florida to Albuquerque and then back from Effingham but wouldn't mind going a little out of our way if someone in the Southeast wanted to be her navigator. Any lady takers???
September 05, 2019
Moving right along with the master planning guide, etc.. and will be sending out color flyers to numerous car show around the country going on between now and December. Our goal is to have all cars registered (75 per route) before the middle of December. Stay turned.
And since I had nothing else to do, I wrote a short story/screenplay with the idea of using scenes from the race to produce a movie. It all depends on whether or not I can find the actors, director, etc., required to shoot such a film, but I thought I would share the story with you anyway so that you can let me know what you think. Click here to read...
August 29, 2019
OK, so it's been a while. What's happening you ask? Well, quite a bit actually. The starting and finishing locations have been identified for both the Eastern as well as the Western race and is in process of being reviewed to make sure they are adequate, flyers have been designed and 2500 have been ordered for distribution to all the major shows between now and December, a reliable timing circuit has been completed and is just about ready to be tested, more hotel space has been reserved around each leg of the race, and the Master Planning Guide is being updated as we speak. We've had a few more sign-ups (34 total) which is a little below I was hoping to be by this time, but I still believe we will max both runs out before we are through. I know it is difficult for many to make such a major commitment this early in the planning stage, but everyone who has seems to be really excited like we are. Bottom line is that everything is moving ahead as planned but there is still much work to be done. Charles Tupper from South Carolina has joined the planning team and is planning on joining us in November down at the Florida Bug Jam to go over last minute details. If you are to get an e-mail from Charlie, it is official. Well, enough for now. Keep checking back with us for further updates.

August 03, 2019
Had a little time on my hands and was thinking about what type of logo/racing emblems might be used for The Great Race. I'm always open for suggestions and someone who can really do graphics :). The number 53 is simply something I had lying around from Herbie's 50th. Each car, van, etc., would have a sticker and/or a magnetic emblem on their vehicle during the race...
July 29, 2019
Most of the day was spent working on the proposed routes and the cities that would be used as stopping points to determine who is recording the most accurate times, breakfast, lunch, dinner, sleeping accommodations, etc.. Both the East route and West route were addressed.
East Coast
On the East Coast, it is still envisioned that we will start at Myrtle Beach, SC headed for Effingham, IL. The places of interest are as follow with an average of 40mph used for all legs of the competition allowing time for stops, pictures along the way, etc.. All times are approximate until the exact start/stop locations are determined and they will then be determined based on GPS coordinates:
Monday June 8th, AM - Myrtle Beach, SC to Rocky Mount, NC. Approx. 5 hrs
Monday June 8th, PM - Rocky Mount, NC to Richmond, VA, Approx. 3.5 hrs
Tuesday June 9th, AM - Richmond, Virginia to Chantilly, VA, Approx. 3.5 hrs
Tuesday June 9th, PM - Chantilly, VA to Davis, WV, Approx. 4 hrs
Wednesday June 10th, AM - Davis, WV to Parkersburg, WV, Approx. 3.5 hrs
Wednesday June 10th, PM - Pakersburg, WV to Cincinnati, OH, Approx. 5.4 hrs
Thursday June 11th, AM - Cincinnati, OH to Spencer, IN, Approx. 3.7 hrs
Thursday June 11th, PM - Spencer, IN to Effingham, IL, Approx. 2.9 hrs
West Coast
After looking at old Route 66, it looked like to us that it has now been primarily replaced with interstate. Yes, there are still plenty of landmarks left behind, but probably not the prettiest of country to see while driving. Knowing the area North of Albuquerque, it was believed that a route up through Santa Fe and then cutting across middle America would be far more interesting. For those considering this run, we would love to hear your opinion of this decision. The following route was laid out for planning purposes:
Monday June 8th, AM - Albuquerque, NM to Taos, NM. Approx. 3.6 hrs
Monday June 8th, PM - Taos, NM to Walsenburg, CO, Approx. 3.2 hrs
Tuesday June 9th, AM - - , Approx. 3.9 hrs
Tuesday June 9th, PM - Lamar,CO to Dodge City, KS, Approx. 3.9 hrs
Wednesday June 10th, AM - Dodge City, KS to Wichita, KS, Approx. 4 hrs
Wednesday June 10th, PM - Wichita, KS to Nevada, MO, Approx. 4.4 hrs
Thursday June 11th, AM - Nevada, MO to Owensville, Mo , Approx. 4.6 hrs*
Thursday June 11th, PM - Owensville, Mo to Effingham, IL, Approx. 4.9 hrs*
* The average speed my be increased to 45mph average in order to reduce these times.
We welcome you inputs so don't be shy. We want to make this fun for everyone...