My name is Gail Love, also known to many of my friends as drluv, a nickname I picked up while working as an aerospace engineer at Lockheed Martin. Having grown up with Volkswagen's (my dad worked for VW of America and later owned his own Air Cooled VW business), I have always been involved with them in one way or another. In the VW community, I have been known for computer animating a 1965 Beetle for our son back in 1997 which has been seen around the world and is still being shown today. I have also designed and manufactured animation kits for 20 different cars around the world including 4 original Disney Herbie The Love Bugs.
My family and I put on a very popular charity VW event in Kissimmee Florida for 8 years called Jingle Bugs Rock and in March of this year, the 50th Anniversary of Herbie The Love Bug.
Well, to make a long story short, my wife and I have decided to do something a little different by putting together a cross country rally/road race just for VW's which will be challenging as well as having significant cash prizes. Thus was born the idea of The Great VW Cross Country Race. We hope that this will become a yearly event with great participation from the VW community. Come join us...